Hentai porn videos with a lot of fat will make you feel full 


A few years ago, we gave you a list of awesome hentai porn videos that will improve your performance in bed. Because who doesn’t like to have a hot hentai porn video at the end of the day and feel like you could go for hours without getting tired?

It’s well known that some hentai porn videos help increase stamina, while others make us feel like zombies. We’re back with a list of what you shouldn’t eat if you want to enjoy the best hentai porn video of your life and avoid getting bad breath while you’re at it.

Hot Pepper

The compound in hot peppers, capsaicin, is to blame for the heavy sweating you get after eating. Can you imagine sweating non-stop while you are on top or bottom of your client or a hentai porn video?

Onions and Garlic

Number two on our list: these two should never be eaten right before a date. Avoid them altogether if you don’t want your partner to run away screaming because of the pain. You can be sure that he won’t want to book you if you are a hentai porn video, and he will never want you back if he is a client.

Sweet Things

Who can resist the heavenly temptation of cookies, chocolate, sweets, etc.? A little bit, that’s for sure. The sugar in sweets is good for the brain because it gives us energy. However, the effect is only temporary.

Plus, sweet hentai porn videos can make you tired before and during your big date. To avoid all this, the best thing to do is to reach for hummus, cereal, whole grain crackers, or all three. Mix these three, or eat just one.

Porno Video Hentai with fat and milk

From steaks to fries and everything in between, hentai porn videos with a lot of fat will make you feel full and sleepy. Instead of eagerly waiting to receive or give a deep view, the only thing you will want to do is sleep.

Dairy products should be avoided at all costs, and the reason is simple: they give your body a bad and sour smell.

Cruciferous vegetables

What is it? These include cabbage, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, and other examples of leafy greens.

Never eat them if you want to have fun between the sheets. This choice helps you avoid awkward positions like feeling bloated or gassy for hours.

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wiliam mary

wiliam mary

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