While alternative casual sex has its appeal


With so many casual sex sites in existence and dozens more being created every time you check the news, many escorts are trying to stay ahead of the curve by doing the “next best thing.” We have a tip for those casual sex encounters: don’t worry!

While alternative casual sex has its appeal, and clients are getting more outlandish with each passing decade, most casual sex clients aren’t that adventurous. Sure, many have their weird fantasies, but sometimes, Getting there can be a bit tricky, even if your clients don’t seem particularly shy.

That’s where classic seduction tips and tricks come into play. Never ignore the classics!

While it’s true that your clients can go to a spa or clinic to get a massage, they’ll enjoy getting one from you, especially if you’re only wearing sexy lingerie. Massages can be uncomfortable when given by a stranger, especially in a clinical setting where privacy is not allowed. With you, however, they can truly relax and unwind.

 Offering a massage can give the client the impression that you are dedicating your time to the current meeting. That is why you should spend your time perfectly. Spend a few minutes massaging your hands and face, then move on to your torso and legs. While your client is resting, they won’t be able to monitor the time passing. They won’t even realize that time is up. So, plan the massage so it doesn’t last more than 20 minutes. This way, your client will feel like they’re getting a great relaxing massage and the service that comes with it. If, on the other hand, they get excited before the massage is over, you can and should move on to other activities. You know what kind! *wink*

Before the actual massage, you should always prepare the proper setting. Put on a relaxing, sexy playlist and stay still for the entire date. Nothing kills it. There’s nothing more atmospheric than complete silence in the middle of a sexy moment. Burn some incense sticks or scented candles while you’re at it; just keep them away from anything flammable – as fire will kill the mood even more than silence! In general, nothing should interrupt your client’s erotic spa treatment.

For repeat clients, mix up the experience by taking a relaxing bath with salts and just a splash of bubble bath. While your client is soaking, you can massage their head and/or shoulders or, if the tub is big enough, get in with them!

What other things do you do to relax your clients, casual sex? Leave us a comment below!

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wiliam mary

wiliam mary

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